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Mike Oathout

December 1, 1944 ~ December 17, 2011

Michael Allen Oathout was born Friday December 1, 1944 to Eldon and Beulah Lehrling Oathout in Caldwell, Ks. He passed away on Saturday, December 17, 2011 in Wichita, KS at the age of 67. Mike grew up in Grant County, Oklahoma. He attended New Hope Country School, grades 1 - 6 and Eureka Country School, where his mother was a cook, for 7th & 8th grade. Mike attended Caldwell High School and graduated with the class of 1963. He was active in football and track. It has been said that Mike was part of an “unbeatable mile relay” - a fast ol’ country boy.

Mike and his “Sis”, Karen, were not only siblings, but best friends. However, that didn’t mean they ALWAYS got along. There was the time when they asked their Mom if they could take the tricycle and ride over to their Grandpap’s house for a visit. She said “No, not right now”, but that didn’t stop them. With Karen pedaling and Mike riding behind, they started down the road. Mike looked over his shoulder to see his Mama coming and said, “Pedal faster Sis! She’s coming!” Karen pushed him off and did, indeed, pedal faster. But, rumor has it, it was not fast enough. It was also rumored that many mornings Mike would stop at Vera Struble’s on his 4 ½ mile hike to elementary school to have a “second breakfast” of the morning claiming he’d not eaten at home, thinking no one was the wiser.

When Mike was a freshman at Caldwell High School, he attended a teen hop at the community building. An upper classman caught his eye, and he summoned the nerve to ask her for a dance. That was the beginning of a romance that lasted his lifetime. He and Betty Buresh dated the rest of their high school years and were married on March 2, 1963. They have lived in Caldwell ever since. Mike and Betty had three daughters. Michelle (1963), Tammy (1966), and Rhonda (1968). Mike took great pride in “his girls” and devoted his life to not only providing for them, but also instilling in them the values he and Betty held dear. Honesty, loyalty, compassion, integrity, love, and generosity were not just words spoken, they were his way of life. After being the only male in a house full of girls, Mike was blessed with his three sons-in-law, and considered them his own. His already big heart swelled even more when the grandkids started arriving. They were his pride and joy and the times spent playing and teaching each of them are times that will not be forgotten. “Pap’s” values will continue on. Not only was Mike known as Husband, Daddy, Pap, Bro, and friend, he was “Uncle Mike” to many, whether blood relation or not.

Mike worked as a butcher at Jack’s Locker from 1963 until 1968 when he joined the service crew with Western Power. He took his Journeyman lineman’s exam a couple of years later and was the line foreman for the Caldwell crew until his retirement from Aquila in 2006. He spent many hours in extreme weather making sure his friends and family had power restored as quickly as possible. He also worked lots of evenings and weekends doing “side jobs” for the community and surrounding farms. After retirement, Mike returned to his farming roots and enjoyed hauling and sowing wheat. Mike’s hobbies centered around the outdoors and music. He loved hunting and fishing both on his own and with his family and friends. He bred and trained English Pointer hunting dogs and loved taking them out to hunt. Fishing trips to Texoma and Arkansas were major highlights and he reminisced about them often. He taught himself to play the drums and thoroughly enjoyed being the Border Bandits drummer for over 50 years. True to his nature, he made friends everywhere he played. The past three summers Mike and Betty resided at Wellington Lake and again, many great memories were made with friends and family. He and Betty spent many miles on the back of their Honda Goldwing touring almost every National park in the USA and a few in Canada. Mike and Betty could also be found at Native Lights Casino and enjoyed traveling to other area casinos to try their luck. The “3 girls” got to ride along on a few of their little casino trips the past few years, and although millions of dollars were not made, millions of priceless memories were.

Mike was a Mason, Shriner, and a member of the Scottish Rite. He was a lifetime member of North American Hunting Club, member of Ducks Unlimited, Wildlife Forever, Quail Unlimited, and a patron member of the National Rifle Association.

Mike was preceded in death by his parents, Eldon and Beulah Oathout; parents-in-law, Henry and Peggy Buresh; grandparents, Lennie and Mildred Oathout and Elmer and Stella Lehrling. He is survived by his wife, Betty of Caldwell; daughter, Michelle and Brian White and children, Erin, Jordan, and Haley of Overland Park, KS; daughter, Tammy and Steve Ford, and son Chase, of Cheney, KS; daughter, Rhonda and Tim Martin, and sons Andrew and Justin, of Andover, KS; sister, Karen and Burt Atkinson, Wellington, KS; great aunts, Betty Claypool of Cheney, KS and Bonnie Skrdla of Renfrow, OK; and many cousins, nieces, and nephews.

Following cremation, a graveside service will be held at 11:00 a.m. Thursday in the Caldwell City Cemetery.

A time of sharing and visiting to celebrate Mike’s life will be held Wednesday evening from 5 to 8 p.m. at Sugar Sisters, 21 S. Main.

Memorials may be given in memory of Mike to the Shriner’s Plane of Mercy.

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Shawna & GregSchneider family

Family and Friends - 12/18/2011

Betty and family:

Our whole community feels the loss of your Mike today. He made an impact on everyone who knew him. We will always remember his positive attitude and his generosity to all. He leaves behind a legacy that will not be forgotten.


Mike and Sandy Gracy

Family and Friends - 12/18/2011

To the Oathout Family. I considered Mike to be a good friend. Although the last several years we have not seen each other. I still thought of Mike from time to time. He will always be on my mind. May God Bless you, and give you peace during your grief.


Larry and Carol (May) Arnold

Family and Friends - 12/18/2011

Classmate: I am so sorry you had to leave us. We know you are safe in the lord's hands and that he will be with your family always. Our thoughts and prayers are with all and you will be missed.


Cory White family

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty and family, very sorry to learn of Mike's passing. May the warmest of memories comfort and provide you strength during this difficult time. Our prayers are with you. Wishing you all the very best!


Randy Fast

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty, Michelle and Other Family Members

I was very saddened to learn of Mike's passing. What a wonderful gentle soul he was. Always willing to help anyone in need. And he patiently always put up with the 'Fast' clan. I will miss him. I am praying for peace and comfort for you all. God Bless.


Bryan and Marla Nispel

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

We celebrate Mike's life with you and hope you are comforted in the knowledge that Mike truly made a difference in our community. He was a kind and honorable man with a great big smile and a heart to match. We will miss him.


Hazel Oathout

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

What a fine man! Our family loved him and counted him as 'the' Oathout to be proud of. He will be missed as much as he was loved. Betty, your family are in my prayers. God bless all of you. hmo


Leonard Lockwood

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

So sorry to hear about Mike. Mike was one of my best friends in High School and life. I will miss him , but will always remember him and keep him in my heart.


Patsy Volk-Wesemann

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Dear Family, your love is real, the loss is real and the memories will last forever. Even after the reality becomes a factor of life, you will always have the personal truths that remain. Mike was a good friend, a kind human; there is a vacancy in the world as we all know it. The blessing of closeness of his presence will be always a thought away.


Kyane Lee

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

What a wonderful, kind man with the most unbelievable smile! Caldwell will sure miss him.


Nathan & Aimee Dannels

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty and family,

So sorry to hear of Mike's passing. He was a kind man with a smile as big as his heart!

Nate, Aimee, Morgan, Cade, & Camille


Jeff Ehlers

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty, Michelle, Tammy and Rhonda,

I was very saddened to hear about Mike. He was great guy and I remember well the lessons he gave me when I wanted to learn how to call turkeys and numerous times laughing together at family reunions. We're praying that God will comfort you as you grieve and bless you with fond memories of a life well lived.


Jeff, Diane and Joshua Ehlers


Wendy (Misak) Brunton and Jared Brunton

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty, Michelle, Tammy, Rhonda and family,

Mike will be missed! Mike touched so many lives. His smile lit up a room and his kind heart is one that I will never forget. He is one of the kindest people I have ever known. He was a friend to so many. He was a good friend to my dad. He was a good friend to me. I feel thankful to have known him. He could always be counted on and was such a fair, honest and consistent man. He went above and beyond. I never heard him complain. He loved his family and friends. He lit up when he talked about you Betty, his girls and his grandkids. No words can express how sad I am for your loss. May God provide you comfort and strength in the days ahead. I pray he gives you peace at this difficult time. Please let me know if you I can help in any way.



Roger and Dixie Metzinger

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty and family

We were saddened when we heard that Mike had passed away.

We are glad that we were able to see you both at my brothers big party in Kansas in April 2011. Mike always had a big smile and he enjoyed life to the fullest.

He loved playing the drums so much that I am sure he is playing them with the angels. Our prayers are with you and family that God will give you the strength and courage to carry on. Remember all of the wonderful memories that Mike gave to everyone that knew him.

God Bless. Roger and Dixie


Pamela Rasmussen Black

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Karen, Mike and I all attended New Hope school; I lived just about a mile from them, and so we played together off and on.

I remember Mike as fun-loving, and always willing to be of help.

His parents were special people, so I can see how Mike was rasied the right way........such a happy family.

Karen, you and all your family, are in my prayers during this

time of sorrow. I will leave you with this scripture verse, hoping

that it will be of comfort to you.......11 Chron 16:9 "For the

eyes of the Lord range over the earth strengthening those whose hearts are committed to Him."


Jeff Neal

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Betty, Tammy, Rhonda, and Michelle:

It was a pleasure knowing your husband and dad. Mike always made me feel right at home, anytime I came by the house. I always enjoyed visiting with him and watching him play the drums in the band. He was a heck of nice guy. He will be missed!


Eldon and Nikki Misak

Family and Friends - 12/19/2011

Mike and I have been friends all our life. I don't every remember seeing him without a smile on his face. He was always demonstrating a love of life,a love of Betty and his family. He was a genuine person. He cheerfully helped Neale in his time of need. Oh, how we will miss his smiling face. May Betty and the family find peace in that Mike brought happiness to everyone who came into contact with him. Our sympathies to Karen, Betty, family and all who knew him. May he rest in peace.


Jess and Linda Newkirk

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Betty and family

We are blessed to have had Mike a part of the Buresh family. We share your loss today and we celebrate his life. Mike's love for family, immediate and extended, is undeniable. May you all find comfort from each other and in the memories of a very special man, Mike. We have you in our prayers and in our hearts.


Johnette Martin

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Betty, Karen and Family:

I am so sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Betty, it was so good to visit with both of you this past April at Dwight & Vera Young's anniversary party. My prayers are with you all.


Bill & Vonya Schwertfeger

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Betty & Family: Von & I know the pain, agony, and sorrow that each of you are experiencing in your hearts, minds, and bodies as you mourn and grieve from Mikey's death. The LORD and our GOD will be with you and your family during this very difficult time. May you rejoice in knowing that Mikey is in Heaven, resting in Peace and will be at your side as he watches out over you.

In our prayers

Bill & Von


The England family - Pauline, Nonie, Deb & Chuck

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

To Betty and family, so very sorry to hear of Mike's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.


Jolene (Ehlers), Jim, Jeanna, Josie, Jaymeson, & Joel Evans

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Betty, Michelle, Tammy, & Rhonda:

I was shocked to learn of Mike's passing. I can't remember a time I saw him without a smile and a good joke. As you adjust to life without him, it will be very hard. We pray you'll find comfort in knowing many, many prayers are being lifted up for you. Take heart in relishing the many great memories of family times, and you'll get through. Remember Psalm 23 -- the Lord is our comfort and strength. When you feel like you can't go on, lean on Him. We love you all and know Mike's memory will leave a legacy on many hearts and lives.


Norma Chandler

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

So Sorry. Please accept our condolences at this time and the days to come. The people we love live on forever in our hearts! We enjoyed Mike so much!

We have lost another "Good" Oathout.


Norma and Harvey Chandler


Denny & Glynda Young

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Betty, Karen, & family:

We have had you in our thoughts since heard of Mike's health problems. Such wonderful memories of years gone by , especially for Denny & the New Hope country school days.

A favorite tale was when Leon Subera & Denny told Mike there was no Santa at the New Hope Christmas program. Mike cried & cried & Wilma was so upset with the 2 "older" boys.

God Bless you all with our heartfelt sympathy, Denny & Glynda Young


Connie Cooper

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

I was saddened to hear of Mikes passing. He was one of the nicest, kindest, and big hearted people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I will miss him. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time.


Tamie Rains

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. So many fun memories flooding my head, from time spent at your home growing up, to hearing about all the adventures during motorcycle trips taken with my parents. Much love and many hugs to you all.


Judy Troutman and family

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011

Karen and family and Betty and family . So sorry to hear of Mike,s passing. Do remember growning up with all of you 1st grade on. What a wonderful famiy . and still are. Mike will be missed but feel he will be with all of you forever as he is your gaurdin Angel. Know God will put his loving arms around you and help you threw your deep sarrow. love you all, Judy and family.


Jean,Doug,Lynn,Donna,Kim,Annette,Teena & Brad VCHM Pharmacy

Family and Friends - 12/20/2011


Our thoughts and prayers are with you with the passing of your Father. Though none of us had an opporrunity to know him, from the other messages written about him, he sounded like a man we would have wanted to know. The picture of him holding that huge fish with a great big smile on his face is one that brings a smile to everyone who looks at it; and one you will cherish for many years.


Chuck Case

Family and Friends - 12/21/2011

I send my condolences to Mikes family! Mike was a great guy.


Dana Lowe

Family and Friends - 12/21/2011

"Uncle Mike" was not only a GREAT man to his family but to so many others including me and my boys. He had many hunting and fishing talks with Whit and Mason. He was such a wonderful role model for them. Mason treasure's his time he was able to fish with "Uncle Mike" at the lake last summer. We will miss him dearly. Love to "Aunt Betty", Michelle, Tammy, Rhonda and families,

Dana, Whit & Mason


Irma Shellhammer McCaskill

Family and Friends - 12/26/2011


Thinking of you at this time of sorrow. May God's blessings be upon you and your family. I was happy to see you and Mike at Caldwell's Celebration back in September. It brought back a lot of childhood memories.


Greg @ Cindy Wolff

Family and Friends - 12/28/2011

So sorry to hear about Mike. I always remember him and my dad were great friends. As my dad was Uncle Harold to many . Uncle Mike was that to many also during his life. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Greg @ Cindy Wolff


S Ford

Family and Friends - 01/31/2012

I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that God will comfort and sustain you. Psalms 34:18 says that He is near to those broken at heart and saves those crushed in spirit. He truly knows the pain you feel. He assures us at John 5:28 that a time will soon come when we will welcome back to our arms those we have lost. Know that time is very near. Allow God to comfort your soul until that day arrives. Please keep His promises close to your heart. I offer my deepest sympathies to your entire family.



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